Take Control of YOUR Health:
For Patients AND Family Members.
Be the driver of your bus!!
Hello, my name is Krista Hughes, and I am so glad that you are here!! My passion is for patients and caregivers; so welcome!. Are you ready to save your LIFE and MONEY? This is the FIRST and ONLY online course in the United States that is made for the patient and caregiver!
Serving as a patient advocate for the past 5 years, I have helped hundreds of clients navigate the broken and fragmented health care system. During this process, I have taught them how to be proactive with their health and to have an active role in making informed medical decisions with their healthcare team. Through my guidance, I helped improve their patient experience, quality, and safety of care by teaching them how to own their own healthcare. This is my hope for you as well!
As a private advocate, I work one on one with my clients to help them navigate their healthcare journey. If this is what you are interested in, hop on over to the "private patient advocacy services" page by clicking here.
If you do not need a one on one private advocate but are interested in taking back control of your health, this is the place for you. I started these classes to expand my footprint to a larger mass by providing empowerment, tricks and techniques, proprietary resources, and the tools for you to be more engaged, independent, and take an active role in your health.
One of the many sayings that I tell my clients is, "This is your bus, and you are the one driving it! You make all the decisions about who is allowed on your bus and be along for the ride. This includes doctors, nurses, family members, caregivers, advocates, etc. We are part of your healthcare journey because
you chose us. At any point, if you are not happy with your care team, you can let them off at the next bus stop." I want my clients to take control of their health and be part of the conversation regarding their care. It is a relationship, not a dictatorship. Patients want to be part of the conversation.
The time is NOW to put the CARE back into your healthCARE!
* Disclaimer: If you would like to read my client testimonials, please see below and click here. Hughes Advocacy is HIPAA compliant as we deal with private medical issues. Not all clients choose to disclose their personal medical information and make it public. Each testimonial is at the client's discretion.
Pre COVID, "preventable" medical errors were the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer.
Due to COVID, the healthcare landscape is predicted to get increasingly more harmful to patients in 2021.
Your health does not have a price tag, and once it declines or an error occurs, you cannot get it back. Your health is not something that you can replace at the store. This class is an investment in your health!
It can save lives!

Some reports indicate that medical errors can increase your health care spending by 30%. Not only are you paying more co-pays and see additional doctors. There could be out of pocket expenses like outpatient therapies, home health, or medications not covered by insurance
"Upwards of 200,000 people die annually due to preventable hospital errors, and when errors happen in the hospital, employers pay the price in more ways than one. Beyond the harm and suffering to your employees, employers and other purchasers pay an average of over $7,500 per hospital admission for errors, injuries, accidents, and infections.
Over 12 Million Americans are misdiagnosed every year. For some employers, the dollars lost to medical errors can represent up to 30% of their overall healthcare spending. Poor healthcare quality inflates employer health costs by at least a third, but most don't know it." per The Leapfrog Group.
My Dad recently suffered a stroke, and when I got the 911 call, I froze. Why? Because when a medical emergency happens to you or your loved one, it is emotional, scary, and overwhelming. I teach classes on what to do in case of an emergency. When a client calls me with an emergent need such as a stroke, I know exactly what to do and how to advise them.
It is hard to manage everything when it affects you personally; unless you are completely prepared! Luckily, I have all of my Dad's detailed medical information readily available in my "book." It helped me make critical, informed medical decisions for my Dad, preventing further harm. It doesn't matter how smart you are. You immediately go into fight or flight mode, and that is when a medical error can occur. It is critical that you are prepared. I am so glad that I was!
I teach you how to be prepared for any medical situation and prevent a medical error from happening to you!
My Dad's stroke was preventable! Also, the doctor wrote false information in his medical records and upcoded his medical billing. You can NOT trust the healthcare system!! It is a business and is financially driven. You are just a dollar sign!
I had the honor and privilege of being a guest on Mark Graban's "My Biggest Mistake Podcast." My "biggest mistake" was trusting the Healthcare System and the Leaders of the hospital. It is time for patients to stand up for themselves and get the medical care they need and deserve. My Dad will never get his speech back. And no one ever apologized. The podcast is below.
Below are some serious issues that I currently assist my clients in navigating. The statistics listed have been cited for worsening in 2021 due to the impact of COVID. DON'T BE A STATISTIC! My motto is to be proactive with your health, not reactive. I get so many calls after an error has occurred, and unfortunately, sometimes the harm is done, and I cant help.
Up to 80% of serious medical errors are due to MISCOMMUNICATION! Whether the communication breakdown is between physician and nurse or care team and patient
12 million Americans are misdiagnosed every year, and that statistic is on the rise for 2021.
75,000 people die from a Hospital Acquired Infection yearly
It is imperative for you to review your Medical Records for errors. The harm that can come from not correcting the mistakes can be catastrophic. Starting in April 2021, the United States' government will require health organizations to share medical records with patients electronically, free of charge. As of now, there is a fee. Once the mandate goes into effect, patients will be able to see doctors' notes and other information in their electronic medical record.
HIPAA violations prevent you from getting the care that you need and deserve. Violating these federal civil rights is a massive issue, and is one that occurs to my clients every single day. This is a huge concern and roadblock to your care.
Many people do not trust the Healthcare system. When an error or harm occurs to you or your loved ones, they deny, defend, dismiss, and intimate. New programs and courses are being implemented into the healthcare system to improve this behavior as it is a severe concern. This is the number one reason I am retained as an advocate by my clients. Put the care back in healthCARE!
These are just a few topics that I will teaching during the 12-week course. I will provide a new topic and strategy each week and keep you current on laws and rulings that impact your health. The sad thing is that the topics that I will cover are what I have seen, witnessed, walked through personally, and helped clients with over the years. I choose these topics as they are the most common and critical. Topic examples: HIPAA, informed consent, hospital-acquired infections, telemedicine, issues surrounding primary care for 2021, etc.
My goal is not to load you down with information but to offer a transformation so that you are in control of your health. The tools provided are proven strategies that I have developed over the past 5 years in working with my clients. Each session is based on real patient experiences and issues that we have faced with the health care system. I hope to prevent harm or even death from happening to you or your loved one. After my class, some of your takeaways for empowering you to take control of your health include:
Be prepared for any upcoming doctor's appointment or procedure, ensuring you are asking the right questions.
Have the tools and preparedness to handle an emergency when it arises.
Be an effective communicator with your healthcare team, especially for telemedicine calls.
Feel empowered, independent, and in control of owning your healthcare. Be the driver of your bus!
Being aware of how to prevent a medical error or a "never" event from happening to you or your family
By owning your care, you will no longer distrust, feel intimidated, or fear speaking up and building a relationship with your provider.
Navigating a hospital stay from start to finish.
How to efficiently utilize your patient portal and understand your medical care.
Understand your HIPAA rights and how to correct your medical records.
Learn how to find a physician based on your unique situation and diagnosis. Not your neighbors!

"I signed up to take the Month 2 class, "preparing for surgery." To be honest, I was hesitant and didn't think it would be worth the money or my time. After the first class, I learned so much that I asked Krista if she would allow me to change to the full course. She was so accommodating, and I am so glad that I did. This is a course that everyone should take. It was definitely an investment in my health. Thank you! Your course changed everything for me!" Laura K.
"This course came highly recommended to me, and I was strongly encouraged to take it. With great hesitation, I signed up. As the CEO of a company, I thought that I could coordinate my health independently. Krista speaks of health literacy, and you don't know what you don't know. There was a tremendous amount of information that I did not know. She made a profound comment that resonated with me on the first day regarding health literacy. She said that many people get offended by the words "health literacy" and think it is an insult to our intelligence. But if you are not in healthcare, you do not know the healthcare jargon or understand how the system works. Her example was that she does not have banking or technology literacy. That is why she relies on their expertise when in need of help. I am incredibly thankful for have taken the course and relying on her expertise in healthcare."
"All I can say is WOW! I work in healthcare and took the online course to be a better advocate for my parents. The information that I learned I was not even aware. I am blown away by the information, resources, tools, and book provided in the course that has changed my way of thinking and prepared me. Krista, you are a wealth of information. You hear about medical errors and harm all the time, but after this course, I will never look at healthcare the same. I feel completely prepared to not only take care of my parents but my own family. Your passion for patients shows throughout this course, and I am so very grateful to have taken it. Thank you for all that you do, and I will be recommending this class to all that I know. Everyone needs this class as we are all patients." Jennifer
I just completed Krista's online course, and everyone should take this training. We are ALL patients. This course prepared me to take control of my health care. I thought that I could handle it myself, but I realized that I had no idea after this course. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel prepared for any medical situation that occurs. The material that she provides weekly is invaluable. You will not regret making the decision to commit. Thank you, Krista, for your passion! MH
Hughes Advocacy patient courses provided an exceptional learning experience! Her expertise and knowledge helped me understand the healthcare system and how to apply the information to my personal situation. It is interactive, and she takes the time with all participants to ensure we truly understand the material before moving on. She is so personal, empathetic, and makes the course fun!! This course is ONLY about the patient and our needs. I highly recommend this course! Lisa